Yvonne Nelson Breaks Up With Baby Daddy, Jamie Roberts

Information reaching us indicate that Ghanaian actress, Yvonne Nelson has ended her relationship with baby daddy, Jamie Roberts who happens to be a photographer.

Jamie Roberts who’s a photographer by profession happens to be the father of Yvonne’s daughter, Ryn. Per checks, the duo has unfollowed each other on social media. Nonetheless, they have all deleted photos they had with each other.

The signs were all over the wall from the onset that this relationship was bound to fail. This is because Jamie’s ex-wife came out to reveal that they were still together and Yvonne had broken them up.

Therefore, most people questioned Yvonne’s choice since the relationship of this nature is very difficult to sustain. It’s sad it ended this way and we guess counselor George Lutterodt will be watching this with keen interest.

As at now, we can’t establish the cause of the abrupt end of their relationship but then we’ll keep you posted on later development.

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